Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fare thee well, carboniferous beast; thou shalt not be missed . . .

It is with great rejoice and merriment that we, on that joyous and glorious weekend in the month of April 2010, bade a cheery farewell to the final vestiges of the pterodactyl that is Chemistry, as it clumsily spread out its metaphorical organic and physical wings (who cares about inorganic chemistry anyway?), and in a not-so-breathtaking motion, pushed off the perilous cliffs of our ever so adventurous and inquisitive minds, realising finally the inappropriateness of its unwelcome presence amongst the lively and merry souls of my messmates and myself, perhaps repentant of the tortures laid upon us by its ominous glare and perhaps, just perhaps, sorry for the scars that shall remain upon our chests for years to come, caused by its diabolical talons clawing at innocent students walking their own ways, upon the journey of their lives.

 But of course, it is only the Chemistry that we have been administered in classrooms that I complain about- the subject itself is as necessary and interesting (I wonder..) as any other. (Just to put the thought into your head, people can say quite favourable stuff with a blade to their throat.)

Now, there are possibly a multitude of reasons why Chemistry did not ( ha! its 'did not' now, not 'does not') happen to be exactly my favourite among subjects, but the prime among those I consider to be something related to the sentiments of a flying pokemon trainer somewhere around Fallarbor Town, after losing rather drastically with his Pidgey against my Totodile (or was it a Croconaw by then? long time..), which went something like :

I like bug pokemon, but I'm good with bird pokemon. I guess liking something and being good at it are not the same thing.

So there you have it, mighty peers, the reason I don't take much of a fancy towards Chemistry: I'm rather bad at the stuff we do in those classes - equations, compounds, structures, properties, and all the other related blah do not figure anywhere on my list of "nice to know" priorities, as don't football leagues and  fair-weather friends. As you can see, pokemon, appear quite high.